Books by Drew Langsner

Country Woodcraft:
Then & Now
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Country Woodcraft: Then & Now is an extensively edited and enlarged 2020 version of Country Woodcraft from 1978. All of the old info is there, including the classic black and white photos of Wille Sundqvist demonstrating knife grasps. Plus there’s new color photos, text and illustrations. The book features updated material on shaving horses (with detailed plans for my favorite Z-Mule,) how to make a slojd knife, and extensive ‘book-within-a book’ sections on carving spoons and bowls from split logs. With the 1978 forward by Bill Coperthwaite, and a new forward by Peter Follansbee.
Published by Lost Art Press. Hard cover with sewn binding; 377 pages.

Green Woodworking
A Hands On Approach
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Green Woodworking is an author’s reprint edition of the same title from Rodale Press, 1987. Projects include — making a bentwood firewood carrier, and a greenwood post-and-rung stool with a woven seat. This introduction to greenwood chairmaking includes freehand boring techniques, making cylindrical tenons with hand tools, and how to weave the seat.
Soft cover. 176 pages.

The Chairmaker’s Workshop
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The Chairmaker’s Workshop was originally published by Lark Books in 1997. This Author’s Reprint Edition has an improved text, with corrections and updated information. The contents is divided into 5 sections: Getting Set Up, Post-and-Rung Chairs, Windsor Chairs, More Chairs, and Equipping the Workshop. There is also an appendix that explains boring with sight-lines and resultant angles, and 4 pages of tables for converting from rake and splay angles. With a forward by Welsh chairmaker John Brown.
Soft cover, 304 pages.
How To Order
I almost always have these books available. I ship books in a cardboard box by US Postal Service. A dated autograph is included.
Shipping Charges for US orders:
Include $2.50 for each additional book.
For out-of-US orders, contact me for details.
There are two payment possibilities. Mail a personal check direct to me along with a note that includes what you are purchasing, your full name and address, and your e-mail or phone number. I’m not set up for taking credit cards or online “basket” ordering. Send to:
990 Black Pine Ridge Rd.
Marshall, NC 28753
Or, use the PayPal link below. If you use the PayPal option be sure to send a note that includes what you are purchasing, your full name and address, and your e-mail and/or phone number.
Other Books by Drew
If you understand German, or like to find rare books, look for these translations — Holzarbeiten Für Das Alternative Landleben (Volksverlag), and Das Grose Buch vom Stuhlbau (Verlag Th. Schäfer).